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Saturday 17 May 2008

Weight Loss - It's not about the numbers, it's your approach

Weight loss is more about figuring out your unwanted behaviors rather than numbers on a scale, chart or treadmill. Figure the whys out and you will have staying power. Don't and keep getting more out of shape.
Today obesity, diabetes and heart disease runs through us at epidemic levels, Why? The answer lies not in the thousands of different kinds of diet, weight loss and workout programs offered, the answer lies in the approach. But, no one wants to talk about that. Do you ever wonder why that is?
Do we not want to know, or could it have something to do with the doctor’s and those in the fitness industry not wanting to explain the best approach to us? Maybe they don’t even know the right way themselves? Deep down we want and need too know. Why do I say this? Twenty years of managinghealth clubs and dealing with doctor’s tells me, that if they told you this, then there may be a chance you would not need them. Sounds crazy doesn’t it. But, true!
“While exercise and eating guidelines are based on good scientific principles, they do not go along with human nature or common sense. Recent history is telling us this; we are better off with encouraging the mediocre people who are willing to include exercise in their daily lives, rather than cramming guidelines down throats that are far beyond the reach of the majority of people. In the end, keeping things simple combined with support usually works better.”
Greg Ryan
From his e-book: “Just MOVE it,”
Over the years most of us who are out of shape and want to lose a few pounds and feel a little better about ourselves, developed many different behaviors toward exercise and food. Some are good ones, but most are just barriers we have built in our minds. I guess you could also chalk it up to pure laziness.
However, the bottom line is we are going to continue down the path of destruction until someone comes up with a plan to help people deal with the reasons behind such behaviors.
No pill will do it long term, no eight minute ab’s routine will concur the patterns; the only thing it will take is introspection. But, do we want to hear that? Maybe, that is just too painful to even think about right now.
Do you mean I will have to take a good long look at myself? Maybe so. At the end of the day, you are going to have to ask yourself, “Do I deal with it now or do I deal with the consequences later? Because that’s really want it comes down to. Face the truth on your terms today, or face the reality on life’s terms down the road in a hospital bed.
I chose to deal with it now.
So where is the magic? It’s not in the pills or programs being fed to us today and it’s also not found so much in the numbers on an exercise chart, the amount of weight you lift, or the miles on a treadmill.
Our success lies in:
How willing we are to deal with the roots of the unwanted behaviors?
Figuring out what truly motivates us?
Developing a great support system for us personally?
Figure out the emotions behind the food.
Simplifying the workout program to fit your lifestyle.
Do we really want to continue to put a bandage on bleeding artery? Or do we get serious and do some mental surgery that takes care of the weight problem once in for all.
I say go for it! What do you have to lose except a few pounds?
Greg Ryan best selling author of the Changing from the "INSIDE OUT". Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight that the medical and fitness industry’s DON’T want you to know. FREE Mini Course

One of the Most Valuable Weight Loss Tools Available.

Meal replacements are one of the most valuable tools for weight loss.We know that the key to permanent and effective weight loss is to speed up our body's metabolism.
Metabolism simply means the speed in which our body utilizes and burns through food.
A fast metabolism means that your body processes and utilizes the nutrients which it needs and then eliminates those it doesn't.
There are primarily two ways to naturally speed up your body's metabolism.
The first is through resistance training, lifting weights. Lean muscle tissue is a very metabolically active tissue, it requires a lot of energy to maintain.
The body gets this energy from burning calories. So the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism becomes and the more calories that you will burn at rest.
The second way to effectively speed up your body's metabolism is by eating small, well-balanced, nutritious meals or snacks every three to four hours.
This alone can drastically improve the efficiency of your body's metabolism.
Now, for those of us with busy, often hectic lives, eating every three to four hours can be challenging, if not impossible.
What are the chances of eating something healthy and nutritious every two to three hours?
Unless you have a lot of time to prepare and package meals or hire yor own personal chef to cook for you, this can be a daunting task.
Well, now there is a solution.
Meal replacments.
Meal replacements are probably the most valuable and underrated supplement on the market.
People are always looking for the magic solution to weight-loss by buying some drink or pill that promises miraculous results.
We gain weight and body fat by having poor eating habits, so the only way to undo the damage is to reverse the cycle by developing good eating habits.
Meal replacements make this possible.
Meal replacements are pre-packaged powdered drink mixes that you mix with water, milk, or juice and then drink in the place of a meal.
They are convenient, inexpensive, and most taste pretty good.
For optimum fat-burning and muscle-building results, we need to consume a high-protein, moderate-carb, low-fat meal about every three to four hours.
This is approximately five to six meals per day. So, replace two or three of your whole food meals with meal replacements and you will drastically start cutting out unneeded calories, calories that can add up and, if not burned off, be stored as body fat.
Meal replacements provide a perfect, compact meal in a packet that is high in protein, low in fat (some have no fat) are low in carbohydrates, and contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals.
They are low in sugar and cholesterol. They are very nutrient dense and can be mixed easily and conveniently.
In order to get the same benefits from whole food as some of the high quality meal replacements, you would have to put together a large meal like a chicken breast (protein) a potato for some carbs, and a salad for the vitamins six times a day.
Why bother when you can just rip open a meal replacement packet and toss it into a cup with some water or skim milk. Presto!
Instant nutrition.
Check the ingredients. Stick with meals replacements that use a combination of whey, milk, and egg proteins as the first ingredient.
Most meal replacements, if taken with water, offer at least 40 grams of protein with minimal fat. Most are under 300 calories, chock full of vitamins and minerals, and taste rather pleasant.
Many people I have spoken to over the years attribute meal replacements being on of the biggest reasons why they we able to lose weight.
They are able to get vitamin-rich, high-protein, moderate carb meal for less than 300 calories. All of this for about 2 dollars. You cannot even buy a Happy Meal for fewer than 2.00 dollars and Happy Meals are loaded with fat!

How to Break Out of a Weight Loss Plateau

How to Break Out of a Weight Loss Plateau by Renee Kennedy
What is a weight loss plateau?
You are on a diet, but you reach a period of time (two or more weeks) where you can't seem to lose any weight. Your weight may actually fluctuate 3lbs up or down, but you can't seem to break below this range.
You can experience a weight loss plateau for different reasons:
1. You are consuming too many calories for the amount of calories that you are burning off. 2. You are not consuming enough calories; your body defends itself by slowing down your metabolism.
First, you need to determine if you are experiencing a plateau or if your weight is in a state of normal fluctuation. Weigh yourself once per week. If you have not lost any weight after 3 weeks, you've hit a plateau. Remember, people lose weight at different rates. If you've lost even one pound after three weeks, you are still losing weight and probably don't need to change anything. The closer you get to your goal weight, the harder it will be to lose weight.
Second, if you are experiencing a plateau, look at your current diet and exercise patterns. The NutriCounter can function as a measurement tool to see how many calories you are consuming each day. ( It will also help you determine if you are eating the appropriate amount of carbohydrates and protein each day. You should also keep an exercise journal that will help you determine how much exercise you are getting each day.
Here are some patterns that you may need to break. (Note: before trying any of the methods below, get your doctor's advice. This is especially important if you have special dieting needs.)
1. You should be eating at least 1200 calories a day if you are a woman and 1500 calories per day if you are a man. If you restrict your calories too much your body will start stockpiling fat because it thinks you are starving.
2. You may try to break a plateau by decreasing the percentage of carbohydrates and increasing the percentage of protein that you intake each day.
3. Another common recommendation is not to mix your protein and carbohydrates. If you have a protein breakfast, wait 2-3 hours before resuming your balanced meals.
4. Generally speaking, you should be exercising no more than 1 hour per day. However, ask yourself if your fitness routine is intense enough? Simply walking around the block for 15 minutes a day may not be enough for you. Each person is different. Also, walking around the block may have been an excellent exercise when you first started to lose weight, but it may not be enough now that you've hit a plateau.
5. If you have recently added a fitness regimen to help you lose weight, you may experience a slight weight gain for the first few weeks, especially if part of that routine involves weight lifting. This can be a very frustrating experience. If you are engaged in an intense workout regimen, it may help to measure yourself with a measuring tape, rather than the scale. You will be putting on muscle and muscle will burn more calories than fat, but it's also heavier.
6. If you are already on a low calorie diet and you are sticking to it, then it is not recommended that you cut out any more calories. Increasing your activity is really the key to breaking out of a plateau. However, if you are "supposed" to be on a low calorie diet but you are not sticking to it, well, the answer is obvious: you need to stick to it.

Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success (Part 1 of 4)

This is Part 1 of the 4-Part "Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success" series.
Terrorists are aptly named because their tactics are designed to strike fear into the hearts of the people. This fear is often irrational. Many people bide their time suffering anxiety over the next unlikely attack while falling prey to a monster that kills more people every week than those murdered on September 11th. This killer has no hidden agenda and destroys without prejudice. Those who are unfortunate enough to meet this nemesis often suffer prolonged pain before eventually succumbing and “giving up the breath” as death was described in ancient Egypt.
What could possibly be so terrible? In the year 2000, the leading preventable cause of death was tobacco. Only a few decades ago, doctors and priests would smoke during commercials and share their favorite brand of cigarette. Today, there is a stigma associated with smoking because we understand the link between tobacco and death. Unfortunately, there is a new competitor who is rapidly gaining ground. This competitor claimed thousands lives in the year 2000, and was the second leading preventable cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Who is this deadly threat to society?
Poor diet and lack of exercise.
Surprised? Thousands of people die every day due to poor eating habits and lack of regular exercise. The death certificate won’t mention their favorite fast food combo meal or the fact that they would rather watch the latest golf tournament than take a stroll through the park. Instead, one of the many degenerative diseases that have been conclusively linked to nutrition and exercise will stake its claim over another life.
Society spends more time and energy worrying about violent threats than dealing with this leading cause of death. While the popularity of products and services designed to address the situation is growing – in fact, the health and wellness industry is en route to become the next trillion-dollar industry according to economist Paul Zane Pilzer – the rate of obesity, overweight, and conditions related to poor diet and lack of exercise such as type II “adult onset” diabetes is increasing. In fact, adult onset diabetes is now being diagnosed in enough children that most medical professionals simply refer to it as “type II.”
Perhaps one reason why this epidemic is so hard to combat is that people are focused on the solution as a product or service, rather than a process. To quit smoking, many people receive counseling, join groups or follow systems because it’s not as simple as tossing the last pack (the author is one of the fortunate few who was able to stop smoking “cold turkey” but found it far more difficult to overcome his poor eating habits). Overweight and obesity is a condition related to behavior and patterns that have taken years to create, so the notion that some magic product will suddenly undo the thousands of days of programming is absurd. Successful, permanent weight loss is a process, not an event.
During a recent seminar that I conduct, participants explored the concept of just how powerful the mind is and how this relates to losing fat. After a serious of powerful exercises, they were asked to create an action plan based on what they learned in order to successfully lose fat and keep it off. The result of this workshop was seven keys that addressed what most diet programs or weight loss systems do not: the fact that fitness starts inside.
Here, then, are seven keys to permanent weight loss success that start on the inside.
Key #1: Be Positive
You’ve probably heard this one before. It’s a popular cliché. In order for it to work, however, you have to move beyond a catchy statement and integrate this as part of your life. In order to truly “be positive” you must start with an understanding of the mind. Your reality is perception, and perception is influenced by your thoughts. Thoughts create reality. What you think about expands.
A good friend and client of mine was a pilot for many years. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, he was out of work. He went through a period of extreme grief, pain, and anger. His health suffered. It wasn’t the money that struck such a powerful blow. It was something else, a mistake many people made.
You see, my friend’s reality could be summed up with this statement: “I am a pilot.”
Can you see the danger in this? He defined himself by what he did, not who he was. By losing his job, he lost his identity. In reality, he was there all along, but his ego kept getting in the way of finding his true self. He had to learn how to let go and be himself, and define who he was on his own merits, not by his actions, level of success, or how others perceive him.
Many people who are overweight create the same situation. Most will create the statement, “I am fat.” Of course, the desire to lose weight might exist, but if your definition of self-worth is based on the amount of fat you carry, what happens when it’s gone? If you’ve lived with “I am fat” for months or years, who do you expect to become when the fat is gone? This subconscious fear of losing your identity can sabotage your process.
What we think about expands. If you focus on the fat you carrying, or the difficulty you have losing weight, then expect more of it. Expect more fat, and expect a difficult time losing the fact. On the other hand, if you focus on releasing the fat, on your success and the process, then this is what you will receive more of. The fat won’t go away overnight. However, if you spend just one day eating healthy foods and exercising – even if it’s just taking a short walk – would you consider that to be an improvement? Could you call that a “healthy day” compared to your previous habits? What if you decided to be, “I am healthy,” and give the fat some time to let go?
Be positive means be realistic, and focus on the positive progress. Focus on abundance – get more of what you wish to receive, instead of thinking about what you don’t want.

Arizona doctor tells the all the truth about weight loss - L

Please feel free to publish this article in yourNewsletter or on your Website (with Resource Boxincluded).Arizona Doctor Discovers Triathlons as the Ultimate Weight Loss Program - Loses Sixty Pounds.I never intended to get fat! I am not exactly sure how it happened, but there I was a 6’2” thirty-four year old pushing close to 270 pounds. My cholesterol was high, my triclecrides were high, and my blood pressure was high. I was on a direct course for developing diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of cancer, and a ton of other diseases related to obesity. It gets worse. I am a doctor, a sports chiropractor to be exact and my office is located inside a health club. Unfortunately, like many other doctors and other health professional out there, I was not practicing what I was preaching. Living in sunny Arizona, land of the endless summer, sooner or later you have to go to the lake, the water park, or you are invited to a cookout and pool party. That is when all my excuses caught up to me. Despite knowing the health risks associated with being overweight, it was the feeling of low self-esteem and embarrassment that finally drove me to action.So there I was, a doctor, ready to get the weight off. I hate to admit it; I tried some of those quick fix gimmick supplements. I tried a bunch of the fad diets. I bought a bunch of books from all the “weight loss experts”. Sure I would lose a little weight, but I could never stick with the diet for any length of time. When I went off the diet I would gain the weight right back. Then tried working my butt off in the gym, running almost every day. That got real boring, and I found that running everyday is not the best thing to do when you weigh close to 270 pounds. There I was again, still no direction, no focus, no drive, nothing to guide me. Frustrated about not getting any results and what to do, I thought I was just going to have to accept that I was overweight and deal with it. I gave it a real effort and it did not work. During all of this, the chiropractor that I bought my office from mentioned that he was beginning a weight loss program at his office, which was based on his experience with triathlon training. That got my attention. I really wanted to give the program a try, but I lived too far from his office to come in on a regular basis. So I began researching the sport on the Internet. The more I read about triathlons and triathlon training, the more sense it made to me as a way to help me lose weight. If you are going to do an event that involves swimming, cycling, and running you obviously are going to have to train that way. The idea about jumping into the pool for an exercise swim was not something I was looking forward to, and the last thing I wanted to do was to put on a swimsuit and workout. Then I remembered how painful my knees were from running around, and swimming would be easier on my joints.I also began reading about using heart rate monitors and the affects of exercising at different heart rates. Many of the authors of the books on heart zone training were triathletes themselves, and they gave numerous examples on how using heart zone training you can track your progress and maximize your exercise program. The more I searched the triathlon Internet sites, the more I became interested in the sport. The people who competed in triathlons looked really fit, it was inspiring. That is when I decided to take my commitment to losing weight to the next level. Weighing close to 270 pounds, I signed up for my first triathlon. Five months away, I was going to do a sprint race, which was a 500m swim, a 15-mile bike, then and a 3-mile run. This was a much shorter distance than many triathlon races, however at the time I could not do even one of the events let alone all of them back-to-back.Using a combination of what I learned about heart zone training and from the triathlon Internet sites, I started my program. I my alternated exercise sessions between swimming, cycling, and running. I also did about an hour of weight training a week. This really added a variety to the exercise program, and it never got boring. One day I would just bike, then next maybe run 10 minutes, do a weight session, then bike for 25 minutes. Then the next day I would just swim. The next day I would swim then follow it up with a run. My knees were holding up very well with little, if any pain. At the same time I started eating better, no real diet, just common sense stuff, avoiding the sugars and white breads. The use of the heart rate monitor became a very useful tool. It kept me from working too hard or too easy. The monitor I was using, the Polar 610, also came with software. I was able to download all of my exercise sessions into a computer. Then I was able to objectively document my exercise sessions. The software was able to track my calories burned during exercise, my average heart rate, hours spent exercising per week, and much more. After every exercise session actually looked forward to downloading my session to see how I did.It also allowed me to exercise at different heart rates. One day I would run at 70% of my maximum heart rate for 10 minutes, then bike at 80% of my maximum heart rate for 10 minutes, then go back to running at 70% for another 10 minutes. The next day I would just bike for 40 min. But I would again exercise at different heart rates, 10 min at 70%, and 5 minutes at 80%, and 10 minutes at 75 %, and 5 minutes at 80%, and then 10 minutes at 70%. This was a fun way to exercise and I actually began to look forward to exercising, the whole process was less boring.I kept up with this type of training for five months. On the day of my first triathlon, I was forty pounds lighter.Some how, some way, I did it. I finished my first triathlon, and as crazy as it sounds I really enjoyed myself. I was feeling good about my accomplishment, but I still had some serious weight to lose. So I found another triathlon race six months later, signed up for it and continued training. The weight just kept coming off and coming off.At the time of my second race, eleven months after learning about triathlons, I had lost sixty pounds.It seemed like every week one of my patients, whom I had not seen for months, would come in for a treatment. The reactions were always the same, doc what the heck happened to you, you look like a totally different person!I felt like a different person too, I was running without knee pain, I was happier at work, my relationship with my family was better, I was no longer embarrassed to go to a pool party or the water park, in fact I looked forward to them.My patients and the members of the health club where my office was located were constantly asking me about my weight loss. I remember one of the gym members walking up to my desk and looking at my before and after pictures. He pointed to my fat picture and said, “That is me” then he pointed to my fit picture and said, “That is the way I want to look”. Wow, what a great feeling, I could not believe it. As I am sitting here writing this article, it has been a year since my first triathlon. Just a few weeks ago, I raced in my third race and I actually managed to finish second in my age group. As a result of getting into triathlons, not only do I have a new body, I have a new life. Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Mesa, AZ. He continues to compete in triathlons and has kept his weight off for over a year now. If you would like to contact Dr. Banas, he can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at

Be a Loser: 50 Reasons to Get Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is fast becoming a very popular way for obese and morbidly obese people to get and keep the weight off. America is the fattest it's ever been and they're even saying there is an "obesity epidemic". The term is even being used in the UK now. I even had gastric by pass surgery 2 years ago and it has changed my life only for the better. You can see my before and after photos at are many reasons for people to consider getting weight loss surgery. For those of you who are still unsure, here are fifty ways your life will change for the better after surgery. If you're still unsure, feel free to contact me for a free consultation. 1. You lose weight FAST!2. You get to buy a whole new wardrobe....several times if you wish.3. You will be able to see and touch your own feet.4. You'll feel lighter.5. It will be easier for you to exercise6. You can go up a flight or two of stairs without completely running out of breath.7. Your self-esteem will sky rocket.8. People will hold doors open for you, look at you and actually say hi and smile.9. You will get hit on!10. You will be able to achieve all those positions you've always wanted to try during sex.11. You'll clothes will start falling off of you.12. You can buy jewelry in a "normal" store.13. Your joint pain will lessen or disappear.14. There is a possibility your diabetes will go away.15. You'll just feel GOOD.16. You'll get complimented a lot.17. Your snoring will lessen or disappear.18. You can comfortably wear jeans.19. No more high blood pressure.20. No more asking for a seatbelt extender on the airplane.21. Your butt won't hurt as much after riding a bike.22. You will feel very proud of yourself.23. You'll see inches of fat melt right off of you.24. Your energy will increase.25. You'll be able to cross your legs.26. You will finally weigh LESS then what it says on your driver's license.27. You can finally buy that cute little sports car and now worry if you'll fit behind the steering wheel.28. You'll actually be able to use those tiny bathrooms on airplanes and trains.29. You can sell all your fat clothes on ebay and make some extra money.30. You can do more housework! (Ok, this may not be a "pro" for everyone)31. You'll literally lose weight overnight.32. You'll live longer.33. You'll be healthier.35. You won't run away or throw your hands up every time someone wants to take your picture.36. You'll start using the regular carts at the grocery store instead of the electric handicap ones.37. You can get a short haircut without looking like a pinhead.38. You won't feel hungry all the time.39. You'll feel pretty/handsome again.40. Your shoe size will drop.41. You'll be able to ride all the roller coasters and never have to do the "walk of shame" when you discovered you couldn't fit into the seats anymore.42. No more heartburn.43. You can go to the gym and finally be one of those skinny perky people you use to envy.44. No more starving yourself on crazy diets.45. No more worrying if the chair you're sitting on will break.46. You can go to the playground and swing on the swing set.47. Your kids will be able to put their arms all the way around you when they hug you.48. You'll save money by not eating as much and not going out to eat as often.49. Learning how much certain people really care about you.50. And lastly you will most likely meet a ton of wonderful weight loss surgery people who will become your good friends for life.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #3

Whew! So how did you do on that last lesson? Have you been practicing? There was a lot of content to take in and absorb, and practicing the techniques as well. I wanted to make sure I included it all so you could see it from start to finish. Now, this is via e-mail, and my sessions over the phone and face-to-face, are longer. I’ve seen such amazing results with Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques and it’s only over a short period of time. Everyone feels a substantial release only after one session.We’re moving into a new reality with energy therapy. Take care of the problem in quick, easy steps. It’s very different than standard talk therapy, which some people have used for several years to overcome a problem. I was here as well. I had been to see different therapists off and on, but never released the problem until I saw an energy practitioner. I understood the part my childhood played in my life; I just didn’t know how to release the pain. Once I did, I felt pure euphoria (I love that word) and became a totally different person. It’s a very freeing experience!So how long is a session? Sessions are one and half hours the first session to gain information on the client and one hour in subsequent sessions. Some people can actually release their pain in three sessions…..a woman who suffered from sexual abuse from her father did just that. Incredible, isn’t it? Once the pain is released, then the client is able to make new, healthy choices and live the life he or she is destined to have. It’s amazing the pain we hold in our thoughts/our bodies and that becomes the basis of our existence. We tend to live life in struggle and we believe that this is what life is supposed to be. We grew up thinking that life is hard and strife becomes our comfort. We get stuck in our thoughts that there is no other choice. We think in terms of limits and we place those limits on ourselves with our thoughts. God has wonderful plans for you; you just will continue to peel back layers to know your wholeness.Here's your homework. If you have't written your affirmations, then this week take some time to do so. Spend time each day on your affirmations. The more positive information you can bring into your energy space (this is the entire space around you) on a daily basis, the better. Make sure they're in the present....I am powerful, I am my ideal weight, I am beautiful!Remember, we have to break free of the negative programming that life is a struggle. Spend time doing positive things and affirmations is one way to do this. Have fun with this process. Turn on the music and dance while you're reading them. I love butt-movin' music. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Again, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to live my passion. I am destined to help you clear your negative stuff so you, the glorious child of God that you are, get to truly experience life on such a deeper spiritual level. I can’t wait until next week when I get to talk to you again. Check out and hugs,

Essential Weight Loss & Health Strategies For Women

Why is it that some struggle to stay in shape while others achieve unbelievable results that inspire themselves and others? It's actually very simple. Excellent results come from a plan, a specifically designed women's fitness program that includes weight training and cardio workouts along with excellent nutrition and supplementation. Below you'll learn the essential strategies that will enable you to achieve your goals. These simple strategies can be immediately implemented into your lifestyle with little sacrifice on your part. It will add quality years to your life. 1. Don't be too aggressive. One of the biggest problems most women encounter when starting a health & fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious plan. As you become accustomed to the lifestyle shift, you can add more days and get improved results. But beware: if you try to do too much too fast, you may end up quitting altogether. 2. If you don't enjoy doing resistance training or are pressed for time, concentrate on working the largest muscle groups with compound resistance movements. A lack of success is generally just a lack of understanding of how a woman's body works. Most women want to lose fat and tone and firm their bodies. The way to do that is to use resistance to train large muscle groups. 3. Stretching improves flexibility, blood flow, muscle recovery, low back pain, health and a host of other things. Additionally, stretching can prevent injury, making sleep better and improve your performance. Always stretch, but be certain not to stretch pulled muscles. You should always warm-up before stretching. However, it is very important that you know how to stretch. Never bounce! 4. Set realistic, attainable weight loss & health goals. You must have both short-term and long-term goals so you can gauge your progress. It's crucial to have a baseline before you begin, so you can measure success. 5. Set exercise appointments with yourself. Use your day-timer to set appointments for exercise, and then stick to them. You wouldn't miss a business meeting or client appointment, would you? So don't miss an exercise appointment with yourself. Nothing is more important than your health. Nothing. Everything else will crumble around you if your health fails. So make your exercise appointments a priority. 6. Exercise correctly. So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or worse, dangerous exercises. Get educated on how to exercise correctly. And the absolute best way to do that is to have someone develop a program for you and then teach you what to do and how do it right. 7. Enjoy yourself. The most difficult thing is actually getting into your running shoes and going to the gym. But once you begin your workout, relax and enjoy the process. Yes, exercising can and should be somewhat rigorous but it is just that investment which makes it supremely rewarding. As with anything, if you're in the moment, you can fully appreciate the experience and truly enjoy the process. 8. If you want to maximize your results or fat loss efforts, you've got to eat breakfast. Even if you don't exercise at all, breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. You breakfast should canteen complete proteins and complex carbohydrates. 9. Eat fat to lose fat.Healthy fats are necessary to your body for a bunch of reasons: regulating hormonal production, improving immune function, lowering total cholesterol, lubricating joints, and providing the basics for healthy hair, nails and skin. One distinction you must be aware of it is the difference between healthy fats, and dangerous fats. Good fats are monounsaturated fats like olive oil, peanut and canola oil, avocados, all natural peanut butter and nuts; and omega-3 fats like salmon and mackerel and soy-based foods. Bad fats are saturated fats, partially hydrogenated fats, and trans fats. 10. Drink plenty of fresh clean water. Yes, you've probably heard this over and over again. But there's a reason for it; it's the truth! The recommended amount is approximately eight classes, or 64 ounces, of water every day. When you're exercising, you need to drink even more. Over 75 percent of your body is water. Even small deficit of water can radically affect how your body performs. Here's a good rule of thumb: if your urine is a dark yellow or has a strong odour, you're not drinking enough water. 11. For optimum results eat regularly throughout the day. Fasting or overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight, in the short run. Because the way he loses primarily water weight and lean muscle mass. But in the long run, it has exactly the opposite effect you want. When you restrict your diet, your body instinctively thinks it's being starved and shifts into a protective mode by storing fat. You should eat 4 nutritionally balanced meals each day, and should have least one or two healthy snacks. This keeps your metabolic furnace stoked, so you burn more fat at a faster rate. There you have it. Essential strategies for an effective health, weight loss and fitness lifestyle that will have you looking and feeling better then you have in years, maybe ever! The hardest part is getting started and sustaining motivation until fitness becomes habitual. Once you develop the habit, which can take as little as 30 days, your whole life will change for the better.

The Myth of Fast Weight Loss

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Well, first of all, most of us are impatient. We live hectic lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, and we don't want to work hard to achieve those results. Most people eat what they want all year round, prefer TV over exercising and dream about how next week (or month/year) they are going to start a healthy lifestyle. Suddenly one day they realize that it is just 2 weeks left before they have to go to a Christmas party or that summer is coming up and they want to look good in the new bikini. Usually around this time I get hundreds of emails - all of them pretty much the same "I have this event coming up in two weeks. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. What is the fastest way to do it?"Of course TV and Internet is full of commercials that promise you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They even show you tons of pictures of fit, smiling people with perfect bodies. Just pop a magic pill 3 times a day and you will turn into a supermodel right away. Sounds good, right? I hate to disappoint you but this is just another scam created to get your money. There is no such thing as fast weight loss. I'm sure I'll get some infuriated replies like "That can't be true! My friend Maggie lost 16 pounds in two weeks doing Low carb diet!" Well you are in for another disappointment. Your friend didn't lose any fat. She lost water and muscle. Human body is a well coordinated working mechanism. It has no idea that you've decided to fit in a size 8 dress and doing some new fad diet. It thinks you are starving. It’s too concerned about survival to allow us losing weight fast. Instead your metabolism slows down to conserve the energy. As soon as you'll start eating normal food you'll gain all of your weight back and some extra pounds in addition to that. To make it simple fast weight loss is always followed by fast weight gain. No exceptions. In addition to that when you lose weight too fast, your skin does not have enough time to shrink, it will become loose.The right amount of weight that the average person can lose in one week by eating correctly and doing exercises is around 2-3 pounds. That is a healthy, safe, effective amount to lose. Only that way you can get long lasting results. I know it is not as fast as many people would like to lose weight, but think about it how long did it take you to gain weight? I bet you $1000 dollars you didn't gain 20 pounds in two weeks. It is only logical, that your body will not allow you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Sorry!I'm trying to save your money here, so repeat after me "There is no machine, no special diet, no special workout program, no special pill or special patch that will help me to lose weight fast and healthy at the same time". Repeat it to yourself every time you have an urge to buy some "quick fix" no matter how appealing it sounds. Remember people who have created these commercials are professionals who know what you would like to hear. Don't let them fool you. Just try to eat right and work out. Be consistent. Make one little step at a time and you'll be surprised how far you can actually go.

Change Your Life With a Commitment to Weight Loss

Anyone who has ever had to lose weight can attest to the enormous commitment the endeavor demands. Dropping pounds requires you to substantially alter your life style. Eating habits must be changed, physical activity must be incorporated and a general healthier approach to living must be embraced. For many individuals, the promise of a thinner self is the inspiration to maintain a weight loss regimen. Losing weight can have not only a significant effect on your health, but also on your self-esteem. Feeling good about your physical appearance benefits your self-esteem in many ways. For many people, not being proud of their body prevents them from attaining what they want in life. It is exciting to think of the many areas in your life that can potentially change when you lose the weight. Changing Your Attitude about Weight LossLosing weight can give you the confidence you need to win the position at work that you have always wanted. When you are not positive about your appearance, it shows, and often your career is negatively affected. Knowing that you look and feel good results in a positive attitude and people will respond accordingly. It is not only your attitude that will change, but also the way you interact with people. Weight loss can help you be more assertive, direct and convincing- factors that can get you ahead in your career!Visualizing a Thinner YouUndoubtedly, weight loss has the power to change your professional life, but it also has the ability to change your romantic life. Whether you are attached or single, a new thinner you will have more confidence in the field of love. Perhaps you will surprise your husband by wearing that sexy dress you had always thought of wearing but never had the courage to do so. Or, maybe you will finally ask that gorgeous librarian out on a romantic date. Losing weight not only sheds extra pounds from your body, but it also does away with feelings of fear and intimidation. Once you conquer weight loss, you will feel as if anything is possible, and it is!When you start to feel as if you will never lose the weight and dieting is just too hard, think of the new thinner you that is just around the corner. Imagine the added energy you will have, the increased confidence and the overall feeling of well being. Weight loss is hard work, but the end result is well worth it!

Weight Loss Tips from a Trainer's Viewpoint

Here are 10 simple tips you can use for weight loss and fitness 1. Two quick and easy ways to cut extra calories from your diet yet still satisfy your sweet tooth: Drink Diet soda or Crytal Light and eat Sugar-Free Jello gelatin. These are two small changes you can make that will reduce calories but will not make you feel deprived.
2. To quote John Beecher, "Strength is a matter of the made-up mind." Is your mind made up that you are going to start and stick with a weight loss plan or is this going to be like other attempts where you give up at the first sign of failure?
3. Make changes in your diet gradually. The body doesn't like quick, shocking changes in anything. It's like going from a freezing room to a very hot room. We need time to gradually acclimate.
The same is true with changing our eating habits. First, if you eat junk food all the time, try to reduce it to a couple days, then to just one day. Gradual reductions are more long lasting.
4. One reason people overeat is because they are overstressed. Getting rid of tension in a positive way will help keep you from eating because of increased tension and stress.
Take a walk, participate in a yoga class, hit the punching bag, lift some weights. Find a way to relieve some tension and you may find you also relieve your appetite.
5. Stay away from products or services that sound too good to be true. The health and fitness industry is a 40 billion dollar a year industry and many companies that are selling bogus products are thriving.
They target people's emotions by luring them into believe that by taking their products, there will be magical results. Just think, if something was truly that good, wouldn't everyone already know about it and be taking it?
6. You must have the desire to change your body from where it is now. Without desire, you are setting yourself up for failure. You must want your goal bad enough that you are willing to endure some short-term pain to receive these goals.
Link pleasure to working out and pain to missing workouts. You must condition your mind. Stop talking yourself out of going to the gym and start talking yourself into it.
7. During the first couple weeks of an exercise program, you will notice that your scale weight either doesn't change or it may go up a bit. Throw the scale out the window, it doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, so when you initially gain a bit of muscle at the start, the scale weight will go up. That's a good thing. Over time the scale weight WILL go down.
8. Most people do not like to calorie count, me included. But in order to properly lose body fat, you need to determine your daily energy expenditure or caloric maintenance level.
You then need to reduce your energy consumption to be below your energy output. It's difficult to place a number on how much below your consumption you should go, because everyone is different. A good place to start would be 150-200 calories below your maintenance levels.
Then continue to observe the effects in the mirror to determine if this number needs to be changed.
If you continue to see no results, try reducing your energy consumption to 300 calories below your energy output.
9. Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and low in nutrients. Alcohol increases the body's need for Vitamin B, which is used to metabolize it. At the same time, it impairs the body's ability to use these and other nutrients.
One or two standard-size drinks once in a while will cause no harm in normal, healthy, non-pregnant adults. However, those looking for ways to cut out additional calories to help in their weight loss efforts will be better off reducing their alcohol intake even further.
10. Whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about what you failed to accomplish last year, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.


1 calorie + 1 calorie = 2 calories
2,000 calories - 800 calories = 1,200 calories (healthy amountto lose weight)
2 pounds x 4 = 8 pounds (losing or gaining 2 pounds a week)
20 pounds/5 months = 4 pounds (if wanting to lose 20 poundsin 5 months, then we will lose4 pounds per month to reach thatgoal)
The point is that THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL NOR MAGIC CREAM that will help you lose unwanted fat permanently. The true and honest weight loss tip summarizes in a simple tip: Eating healthy and having an Active lifestyle. That simple tip will help you achieve a healthier look, more energy, and a self-confident attitude.
As you can see, everything has to do with numbers and how well we play with them. There is no magic potion nor pill that will give us long term weight loss results. Nutritional supplements are supplements to help you get missing nutrients, but cannot be seen as miracle potions or the magic answer to our unwanted fat. It is a matter of changing bad eating habits for healthy ones and exercising more. I believe that each individual is special; hence, I encourage you to make a personal commitment and lose the unwanted fat. You can do it; I believe in you, just as someone believed in me when I made the decision to burn that fat!
Here is a list of tips to help you lose weight safely:
Whatever diet you select, remember that there is no magic trick, but a commitment from you to eat healthy.
Best secret to lose UNWANTED FAT? Exercise! Yes, exercise! Exercises increase your metabolism to speed up burning fat. We suggest you exercise at least 30 minutes 4 times a week.
Don't starve. Simply, eating increases your metabolism. Skipping meals will only slow down your metabolism in an attempt to conserve calories when it conceives as a crisis situation where limited fuel is available. Starvation will make you lose more muscle than fat!
Please, please, please, don't fall for fake infomercials with MAGIC potion or pills promising to lose 5 or 10 pounds overnight. It just wont work!
Plan your meals the day before or weekly. This will help you to take control of cravings, rushing to fast food, and you will know your menu is healthy.
Drink GREEN TEA during the day. Many studies agree that GREEN TEA increases your capacity to burn fat. I take it in the morning before breakfast and afternoon either with lunch or after.
Go shopping after eating. It will help you stop buying compulsively for fast food. Limit your purchases to your already well thought prepared meals. Don't get tempted for any junk food! They might look good.. but not on our bodies!!! No, no, no, no!
Get to know your body needs. Each individual has different metabolism. Therefore, what worked for your friend might not work for you. Do not get discouraged. If you need to feel motivated, think about me. I will be cheering for you!
Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day, not in one gulp. Your body needs to be hydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, lack of concentration, irritability and headaches.
Secret to lose body fat? You must eat fewer calories than your body burns off. That is all!
Ideally, eat 5-6 small meals every 3 hours. But remember... smaller quantities not HUMONGOUS sizes.
So much written about PROTEINS. Increase your protein intake. Protein helps to build new muscles, increase your metabolism - which burns calories.
Think positive and visualize the NEW you.
Have the worst photo of yourself, yes, exactly, that one... the one you don’t like because you look fat paste it in a place where you can see it. Next to it, place an ideal figure either of yourself or from an inspiration figure to motivate yourself and reach your goal: A NEW HEALTHY FIGURE!!
Don't let other people's negative comments affect your weight loss program. Be consistent and know that you are working toward the NEW you.
Not liking counting calories or carbs? Don't panic! Just learn good eating habits and choose vegetables/fruits.
Say SO LONG TO JUNK FOOD!!! You are not a human garbage bin! Instead, eat lots of vegetable and fruits.
Weight Loss Replacement meals are excellent when in a hurry or planning your calorie intake. Check for well balanced meal replacements to get all your nutrients.
Be patient, losing weight is not overnight. But you are on your way to overcome obesity!
Say NO to BIG PORTIONS when eating out. Ask for medium or smaller portions. Enjoy smaller portions of healthy foods.
Take breaks when feeling pressured or under stress. Take a walk, meditate, or listen to your favorite music. It will lift up your spirit.
Waking up and wanting to feel energized? Get some hot water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast. It will speed up your metabolism for the day, and helps prevent constipation.
Learn to love yourself. Love is the most powerful tool to accomplish everything.
If you are a believer, pray for strength to keep your new healthy life style.
Modernize your wardrobe. Don’t hide on those big t-shirts!
Exercise at least 3 times a week, diet alone will not help you lose weight and keep it off. Hints: home exercise videos, walk, go to a gym, run, hike with a friend.
With our rush daily life, we tend to eat fast. Try to eat slowly, chewing each bite completely. This will help you to enjoy your meals and decrease your appetite.
Good news for those chili lovers! Chili helps to speed up metabolism.
Read labels to see your calorie intake. Remember a calorie is always a calorie. What goes in remains in if you consume extra calories.
Avoid eating 3 hours or more before bed time. If feeling hungry or craving for sweet, have a cup of a flavored tea or a simple fruit.
I will be happy to hear from you and wish you all the best. Do not give up, you can do it, be positive and start today your way for the new you! Your commitment is also my commitment, “Official! Overweight? NO MORE!” We can do it!

Weight Loss Plateaus: You Can Lose the Weight!

You’ve been on a diet for a while, lost a few pounds, your starting to look better, you feel really good about your self, and then all of a sudden you hit a brick wall!
I know your attempts at weight loss can drive you nuts. You feel you are doing everything right and you just can’t seem to lose any more weight.The Most Common Mistakes
The most common mistake people make in desperation is to eat less and starve their bodies even more. You see, in most cases, you’ve been restricting your calories too much and your body’s own internal mechanism has slowed down your metabolism.
The other cause could be that you are overeating and not burning off enough calories. But it has been my experience that most people are not consuming enough calories.
Your Body Adjusts To You Eating Fewer Calories, and Your Metabolism Slows!
Yes it is true, If you go on a calorie reduction diet your body’s metabolism will slow down after a week or two. So what can you do?Tips to Overcome the Weight Loss Plateau and Start Losing the Body Fat
1. Do not starve yourself
2. If you have been restricting calories, Eat More. Yes, increase your calorie intake, but please don’t eat a bunch of junk food! Increase your calories for 1-2 days.3. Start exercising or increase the intensity of your workout. As you probably know exercise is one of the best things you can do to lose weight, and it is also healthy for your body!4. Remember to eat healthy and stay away from the junk food!
5. Remember, everyone hit’s a plateau, don’t beat yourself up, Persistence will pay off!

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation

One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well.
Here a just a few of the many things I do to motivate myself.
Weigh yourself once a week:I weigh myself at least a few times a week. In the beginning of your program once is plenty because you don’t want to discourage yourself. The reason I weigh myself once a week is because it can be easy to look in the mirror and justify, in your head, that you aren’t gaining any weight. If you look at a scale every week, you know for sure whether you need to make changes or not.
Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight:I have a picture of me at my son’s baptism next to my bed. I was 20-25 pounds heavier in that picture than I currently am. This gives me a chance everyday to see what I don’t want to slip back into. It reminds me why I lost weight and keeps me from sliding back into old habits. Also, it will just remind you of how far you have come and how much better you look now.
Visualize everyday:You should visualize everyday, how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body. This really does help. I try to visualize myself everyday doing something that I plan on doing in the future. This can help with goals in any aspect of your life. I used to do this while running, when I first started my program. I would picture myself mentally, running and looking the way I wanted to look.
Set your sights farther and higher:
If you have already reached your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals or standards. If you don’t, you will probably fall back into old habits. It is harder to maintain something, then to achieve something new. So if you have reached your ideal weight, then why not set a goal to add some muscle. Or maybe, set a goal to get absolutely ripped. In perfect shape, like you never imagined you could. Look high and far, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and achieving new goals.
Those are just a few of the ways that I use to keep myself motivated. There are thousands more. To find other motivating ideas just do some searching on the internet. You can find thousands of articles and websites dedicated to weight loss and health.
Being healthy and losing weight can change every area of your life. It is amazing, the possibilities we begin to see, after reaching an achievement such as weight loss. Don’t lose the momentum. Keep it turned up and start using it to help you with other areas of your life. But most of all, never give up. There will always be obstacles in any thing you do in life. Just don’t use them as excuses to hold you back from achieving the ultimate freedom you deserve.

Is Low-Carb Weight Loss Really Just Water Loss?

Any weight loss or diet plan, including low-carb plans like the induction phase of the Atkins Diet will result in water loss during the first week or two. However, one of the real beauties of following a low carbohydrate eating plan is that most of the weight loss than extends beyond the initial induction phase of the diet is really from a drop in fat pounds.
How can this be? Well, when you follow a controlled carbohydrate eating plan like Atkins or the South Beach Diet, your body soon switches from burning carbohydrates (which the diet deprives the body of) to burning fat for energy. In other words, the majority of the weight loss that occurs beyond the initial induction phase is really loss of fat that has been stored in your body.
Contrary to what many skeptics and misinformed persons may report or say, even if your body sheds water during the first few days of a controlled carbohydrate diet plan like the South Beach Diet or Atkins, the body’s water balance soon returns to normal and the weight loss that follows is the depletion of fat pounds. This loss of fat reveals itself to one and all in the form declines in inches (your body measurements) and pounds – regardless which low-carb diet you follow.
Craig Whitley is the Senior Editor of “Diets and Weight Loss Plans” – a daily blog for dieters. Visit his website daily to read the latest news and articles on diets, dieting, weight loss and obesity. The URL address for Diets and Weight Loss Plans is You have permission to publish this article electronically on your website or in print, free of charge, as long as this resource box with all links and author attribution are kept intact.

Indulge in Water Therapy for Weight Loss

We never know the worth of waterTill the well is dry.Thomas Fuller We get water in abundance and yet fail to grasp the worth of it. Plenty of water in your daily day diet will show glowing health results. To stay healthy, drink water in plenty. Doctors suggest 8 glasses of water a day. We believe that drinking lots of water will give puffy abs, but this is not true at all. Water flushes sodium from our body and it kills the bloat.The popular water effects•It suppresses appetite•It metabolizes fat into energy•Water helps muscle stimulation•Lots of water will reduce body fat deposition•Kidneys function properly with good water intake•Water pampers the liver too• It helps dehydration and relaxes us•Water dissolves nutrients such as oxygen and minerals to the body• It flushes the toxins•It prevents constipation•Burning calories is a process which requires water in good quantities Calorie comparison of some drinks- Soft Drinks (6 fl oz): Calories7-Up: 80Cola: 80Cherry Cola: 80Lemon-Lime: 70Apple Juice: 90Grape juice: 110Orange Juice: 90Pineapple Juice: 100Cranberry Juice: 100Water: 0Water is a zero-calorie drink. So substitute it with fruit juices or soft drinks and take the first step towards a weight loss goal. If you drink enough water regularly you can lose up to 5 pounds a week. Increase your weight loss by taking cold water as your body needs to heat up the water generating calorie loss. Drink water when you are hungry between meals or just before one. Even if you are fit and not aiming for a weight loss, don’t lose touch with water therapy as it’s good for each one of us. Also, it’s free of cost, easily available, natural, with no side effects and good for health. So why not take to water therapy and feel good about yourself.

How closely are fibre and weight loss connected?

Consumption of Fiber and weight loss are very closely connected.The incidences of deseases like obesity, diabetes, colon deseases etc.are minimal in countries where the population has a regular dose of fiber in their diet. Fiber is very important to solve the weight loss puzzle. Fiber cannot be digested by the human digestive system and it passes out from the colons taking all the waste material with it. Fiber provides bulk and softens the stools therby helping in regular bowel movements and avoiding constipation. In the intestine, fiber produces a gel which binds the bile acids and this leads the lever to convert cholesterol into bile thereby reducing cholesterol levels. Fiber makes people feel less hungry on account of its bulk and reduces appetite resulting in weightloss. It also helps the body in controlling blood sugar. Ayurveda Medical Science recommends consumption of fibre rich vegetables in large quantities to get rid of all the toxins from your body.Removal of toxins automatically ensures removal of excess fat from your body. There are two types of fiber found in foods: Insoluble fiber : Insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water. This fiber increases the bulk of the food and helps in the fast passage of waste materials from the colons avoiding build up of toxins and therby deseases like colon cancer. Soluble fiber : This type of fiber forms a gel in the intestine and helps in reducing the cholesterol.Your body needs a regular dosage of 30-40gms of fiber to keep in good health and lose those excess pounds. Consuming the following foods will keep you in great shape and health: High fiber foods:Oat bran, Corn Bran, rice bran, wheat bran. Medium fiber foods :Whole grains, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour, oatmeal-rolled oats, steel cut oats, wheat-oat flour, corn meal, brown rice. Low fiber foods to be avoided:Refined foods like white flour(bleached or unbleached), pasta, cream of wheat, oat flour, corn starch, white rice.One important aspect of fiber and weight loss is drinking lots of water.Water makes the fiber swell and work better.However, increase your consumption of fiber very gradually to avoid digestive discomfort.

Fast Weight Loss

Here's a look at some of the most common diets people are using. I personally do not recommend or endorse any of the following diet plans. I recommend the “Bio-Rhythm Diet Plan” outlined in the “Weight Loss Secrets Revealed” E-book at website. The Atkins DietThe Atkins diet is based on high protein, low-carbohydrate fare. It allows all of the meat and vegetables you want with no restrictions on fats. Fruits are kept to a minimum. Bread, pasta, and other grain products are restricted. Many people have had weight loss success on the Atkins’ Diet because it offers many delicious food options. However, it can be high in fat, possible harmful over long periods of time and low in fiber and calcium. The Carbohydrate Addict's DietThis is another reduced carbohydrate diet that allows meats, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and grain products, but restricts all other carbohydrates. It tends to be quite high in fat and saturated fat.The Choose to Lose DietThis is a low fat diet that allows you to eat from all of the major food groups. You are only restricted by a "fat budget" that you choose how to spend. Carbohydrates are allowed, as well as lean meat, poultry, seafood, fruits, vegetables, bread and pasta. The Choose to Lose Diet allows an ample amount of fruits and vegetables and it is low in saturated fat and it provides a fairly healthy eating plan for fast weight loss.The DASH DietThe DASH diet allows for a high carbohydrate intake, with moderate amounts of fat and protein. It was originally designed as a low-pressure diet. The DASH diet follows the principles of the Food Pyramid, but it suggests more servings of fruits and vegetables (up to nine daily,) and more dairy servings (two to three daily servings of low fat or nonfat dairy.) The DASH diet may require too much food for most people to see weight loss results.The Eat More Weigh Less Diet This diet is an extremely low-fat diet that focuses on vegetarian fare. It allows fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, egg whites, and some nonfat dairy products. This is a very restricted diet that limits even healthy foods like lean organic meats, poultry, and low-fat dairy products. This diet is great for vegetarians, but it is low in calcium, and it may be too difficult for most people to follow long enough to see weight loss results. The Eat Right For Your Blood Type DietThis diet plan bases you food choices on your blood type. For example, those with Type O blood follow an eating plan that includes lots of meat. Some of the "blood type" diets in this plan are too restricted in calories and they may be poor in nutritional balance. Little proof is offered on basis of the diet, that blood type should affect dietary choices.The Pritkin Principle DietThis diet focuses on restricting calories and eating more "watery" foods that fill you up quicker. (It follows the same principle that suggests you should drink a full glass of water before each meal to make your stomach feel full faster. It allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, and low-fat dairy, but limits protein sources to lean meats, poultry and seafood. This is a low-fat diet that offers plenty of fruits and vegetables, but it can be low in calcium.The Protein Power DietThis is a very high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It allows for lots of meats and fats but limits that consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is a very restrictive diet that limits healthy foods like whole grains and beans. It is very high in fat, especially saturated fat and it is very low in calcium. Power BustersThis is a low-carbohydrate diet that is high in fat and protein. Fruits and grain products are forbidden, but high-fat meats and dairy products are allowed. Like many other low-carb diets, the Power Busters diet is high in fat, high in saturated fat, and low in calcium. VolumetricsThe Volumetrics diet is a restricted calorie diet that allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, lean meats, poultry, seafood and dairy. High fat food and "dry" foods like crackers, pretzels, and popcorn are restricted. It is low in saturated fat and provides an ample amount of fruits and vegetables..Weight WatchersThis diet does not restrict followers to a set meal plan. Dieters are able to plan their own diet every day following a point system that allows the dieter to spend a certain "allowance" in each category. This diet allows moderate fat and protein intake and high carbohydrate consumption. Generally, vegetables and whole grain products have the lowest point value and high fat foods "cost" the most amount of points. The ZoneThis diet is moderately high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It allows low fat foods like chicken and fish and plenty of fruits and vegetables. But whole grains are restricted. This is a healthy eating plan, although it is low in calcium. Taking the product Slimirex™ can also help you manage your weight. For more information on weight loss go to

The Myth of Fast Weight Loss

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Well, first of all, most of us are impatient. We live hectic lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, and we don't want to work hard to achieve those results. Most people eat what they want all year round, prefer TV over exercising and dream about how next week (or month/year) they are going to start a healthy lifestyle. Suddenly one day they realize that it is just 2 weeks left before they have to go to a Christmas party or that summer is coming up and they want to look good in the new bikini. Usually around this time I get hundreds of emails - all of them pretty much the same "I have this event coming up in two weeks. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. What is the fastest way to do it?"Of course TV and Internet is full of commercials that promise you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. They even show you tons of pictures of fit, smiling people with perfect bodies. Just pop a magic pill 3 times a day and you will turn into a supermodel right away. Sounds good, right? I hate to disappoint you but this is just another scam created to get your money. There is no such thing as fast weight loss. I'm sure I'll get some infuriated replies like "That can't be true! My friend Maggie lost 16 pounds in two weeks doing Low carb diet!" Well you are in for another disappointment. Your friend didn't lose any fat. She lost water and muscle. Human body is a well coordinated working mechanism. It has no idea that you've decided to fit in a size 8 dress and doing some new fad diet. It thinks you are starving. It’s too concerned about survival to allow us losing weight fast. Instead your metabolism slows down to conserve the energy. As soon as you'll start eating normal food you'll gain all of your weight back and some extra pounds in addition to that. To make it simple fast weight loss is always followed by fast weight gain. No exceptions. In addition to that when you lose weight too fast, your skin does not have enough time to shrink, it will become loose.The right amount of weight that the average person can lose in one week by eating correctly and doing exercises is around 2-3 pounds. That is a healthy, safe, effective amount to lose. Only that way you can get long lasting results. I know it is not as fast as many people would like to lose weight, but think about it how long did it take you to gain weight? I bet you $1000 dollars you didn't gain 20 pounds in two weeks. It is only logical, that your body will not allow you to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Sorry!I'm trying to save your money here, so repeat after me "There is no machine, no special diet, no special workout program, no special pill or special patch that will help me to lose weight fast and healthy at the same time". Repeat it to yourself every time you have an urge to buy some "quick fix" no matter how appealing it sounds. Remember people who have created these commercials are professionals who know what you would like to hear. Don't let them fool you. Just try to eat right and work out. Be consistent. Make one little step at a time and you'll be surprised how far you can actually go.

Change Your Life With a Commitment to Weight Loss

Anyone who has ever had to lose weight can attest to the enormous commitment the endeavor demands. Dropping pounds requires you to substantially alter your life style. Eating habits must be changed, physical activity must be incorporated and a general healthier approach to living must be embraced. For many individuals, the promise of a thinner self is the inspiration to maintain a weight loss regimen. Losing weight can have not only a significant effect on your health, but also on your self-esteem. Feeling good about your physical appearance benefits your self-esteem in many ways. For many people, not being proud of their body prevents them from attaining what they want in life. It is exciting to think of the many areas in your life that can potentially change when you lose the weight. Changing Your Attitude about Weight LossLosing weight can give you the confidence you need to win the position at work that you have always wanted. When you are not positive about your appearance, it shows, and often your career is negatively affected. Knowing that you look and feel good results in a positive attitude and people will respond accordingly. It is not only your attitude that will change, but also the way you interact with people. Weight loss can help you be more assertive, direct and convincing- factors that can get you ahead in your career!Visualizing a Thinner YouUndoubtedly, weight loss has the power to change your professional life, but it also has the ability to change your romantic life. Whether you are attached or single, a new thinner you will have more confidence in the field of love. Perhaps you will surprise your husband by wearing that sexy dress you had always thought of wearing but never had the courage to do so. Or, maybe you will finally ask that gorgeous librarian out on a romantic date. Losing weight not only sheds extra pounds from your body, but it also does away with feelings of fear and intimidation. Once you conquer weight loss, you will feel as if anything is possible, and it is!When you start to feel as if you will never lose the weight and dieting is just too hard, think of the new thinner you that is just around the corner. Imagine the added energy you will have, the increased confidence and the overall feeling of well being. Weight loss is hard work, but the end result is well worth it!

Body Wrapping and Weight Loss - Slim Down or Slim Scam?

One particularly enticing aspect of low-carbohydrate dieting is that you can lose weight. The down side of it is, unless you are careful, you can end up gaining it all back - plus more. While low-carbohydrate diets do help you to lose weight, it's worth mentioning that it also takes some discipline to follow the daily program and keep the weight off. Unfortunately, many low-carb diet programs fail to include instructions for the necessary lifestyle changes that must be put into place for long-term success. Additionally, low-carb diets can literally rob the body of certain nutrients which are beneficial in the overall reduction of other potential health problems.
Know What You Are Giving Up.
Carbohydrates are typically found in fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains (whole wheat breads, pasta and brown rice). These carbohydrates help to reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes and gastrointestinal disorders. To date, there is no evidence that high saturated fat, high protein, low-carb diets are healthy if consumed over a lifetime.
Why Low-Carb Diets Work So Well.
Low-carb diets, as with all diets, work because people eat fewer calories while following them. On the low-carb diet, calories are lower because you are reducing or eliminating sugars, sweets, starches, fruits and vegetables. If at the same time, you substitute high protein and fat foods, which are filling, you will feel fuller and eat less.
On any low-carb diet a considerable amount of the weight lost is water weight. Here's how it happens. Your body stores carbohydrates in muscles and the liver. Carbs are stored with 3 parts water to 1 part carbohydrate. If you stop eating carbohydrates the body uses up its existing carbohydrate reserve to maintain your blood sugar. This releases lots of water. That is the initial "weight loss" that you experience on a low-carb diet.
What Are Some Benefits of Low Carb Dieting?
Weight loss for the overweight helps to improve overall health in many ways. It can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can have positive effects on self-esteem and body image. It can be a great motivator for anyone who has had difficulty losing weight following other diets.
The Low-Carb Food Craze: Pay More - Lose More?
Don't be fooled. These foods can have plenty of calories and are expensive too. In the last few years, more than 1,000 products labeled "low-carb" have made their way to grocery shelves. To reduce the carbs, most products substitute soy flour or cellulose (not unlike wood pulp) for refined flour. They add artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, which have half to one-third the calories of sugar, instead of sugar… And taste is definitely not their biggest selling point.
Low-Carb Dieting Drawbacks.
Most people can only follow a low-carb diet for so long before they start craving some sweets or starches. The problem is that when you start eating these foods again you will begin to retain water and this will appears on the scale as "weight gain." If you have been on a low-carb diet and want to work back to a diet that includes complex carbohydrate begin by slowly adding small portions of grains into your diet. (A slice of bread or ½ cup rice or potatoes.) Expect to see a few pounds of water weight gain but remember - it's not fat weight!
Cut The "Junk Foods" And Drop The Weight!
You don't have to follow a special low-carb diet to lose weight. Eating fewer high calorie and high fat foods and increasing your exercise can also result in successful weight loss. I know, you've heard that before, but it really is true.
The average man eats about 2600 calories a day, the average women about 1900. A pound of fat a week can be lost by reducing your intake by 500 calories a day. One 20 ounce can of regular Coke contains 250 calories and a Snickers candy bar contains 280 calories. Cutting down on sweets can produce weight loss without sacrificing overall nutrition. Add a mile or two walk, or jog, several days a week (100-200 calories burned) and you are well on your way to weight loss. Cutting the "junk foods" can be a strategy in itself. At the same time, eat more fruits, vegetables and salads. Try filling up without "junking up" and your chances of successful weight loss will increase dramatically.About the Author
Ronnie is a content writer for Your Free Source for Weight Loss, Dieting, Health and Fitness Tips! Promoting Healthy Living In Today's Fast Paced Society.

8 Proven Weight Loss Tips

There are a lot of “crash” diets out there that promise that you’ll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week. I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body. One thing you don’t want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips. After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking. To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them. Weight Loss Tip 1Don’t skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.Weight Loss Tip 2Don’t eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.Weight Loss Tip 3Don’t snack while watching TV. It’s acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.Weight Loss Tip 4Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.Weight Loss Tip 5Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.Weight Loss Tip 6Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition. Weight Loss Tip 7Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel off the pounds.Weight Loss Tip 8Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.

Calcium - The Key To Quick Weight Loss

Are you dieting your way to bone loss?
Are you aware that the diet you follow may be depleting your bones of essential nutrients and increasing your chances of developing osteoporosis? Popular diets may promise quick weight loss, but calcium and other important nutrients are often missing from the menu, which can lead to bone loss.
And women who consistently limit what they eat to avoid gaining weight may undermine the health of their bones, according to a study by ARS researchers in California. (1)
The study looked at the eating behavior of women between the ages of 18 and 50 and found that those classified as "restrained eaters" had significantly lower bone mineral density and bone mineral content (key indicators of overall bone strength and health) than women who said they weren't concerned about what they ate.
"Exercise and eating a well-balanced diet with adequate calcium, are two of the best ways to keep your bones strong and healthy." advise the researchers.
Calcium is not only good for your bones but can help you maintain a healthy, low fat diet too. There has been increasing media coverage about numerous studies showing that a diet rich in calcium helps reduce body fat.
Why is calcium important in weight loss?
Calcium is a fat burner. High-calcium diets seem to favor burning rather than storing fat. Researchers say this is because calcium stored in fat cells plays an important role in fat storage and breakdown.
Calcium changes the efficiency of weight loss . In fact, study after study has shown that the people with the highest calcium intake overall weighed the least, and the people with the lowest calcium intake had the highest percentage of body fat. (2,3,4)
When overall calorie consumption is accounted for, calcium not only helps keep weight in check, but can be associated specifically with decreases in body fat. A low daily calcium intake is associated with greater tendency to gain weight, particularly in women. (5)
Researchers found that adolescent girls who consumed more calcium weighed less and had less body fat than girls who consumed the same amount of calories from other sources. (6)
Previous studies have shown that a higher calcium intake can block body fat production in adults and preschool children (7), but this was one of the first studies to show that it might have the same effect in body-conscious preteen and teenage girls.
But aren't dairy products fattening?
Some dieters consider dairy products to be fattening, but the evidence suggests the opposite is true.
Consumption of calcium-rich dairy foods can actually help to reduce and prevent obesity. Over 20 recent studies show that milk products actually contribute to weight loss.
A new study in obese adults, presented at the First Annual Nutrition Week Conference, showed that increasing calcium intake by the equivalent of two dairy servings per day could reduce the risk of obesity by as much as 70 percent. (8)
The study provided clinching evidence that calcium in low-fat dairy products can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery and help keep your weight under control.
In another study, obese subjects placed on a high-calcium diet, with yogurt as the calcium source, showed markedly greater fat loss than those on a low-calcium diet. (9)
Numerous studies have shown that dairy calcium is more effective in reducing body fat than other forms of calcium. (10)
Why does diary calcium work so well?
Researchers believe that other nutrients found in milk products act in synergy with calcium to reduce fat more efficiently.
Glycomacropeptides (found in whey proteins derived from milk) in particular, are known to create feelings of satiety and fullness and decrease food intake. (11,12,13)
Foods that are a good source of calcium include cheese, milk, ice cream, baked beans and other dried legumes, dried figs, broccoli, most dark-green leafy vegetables, and soft fish bones like those in canned salmon.
Disclaimer: If you are under 18, pregnant, nursing or have health problems, consult your physician before starting any weight loss plan. The information here is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.
1. Dieters May Lose Bone Density. April 1999; Agricultural Research magazine 2. Regulation of adiposity by dietary calcium. Zemel MB et al. [2000. FASEB J 14:1132-1138.] 3. Regulation of adiposity and obesity risk by dietary calcium: mechanisms and implications. Zemel MB. 2002. [J Am Coll Nutr 21: 146S-151S.] 4. Effects of dietary calcium on adipocyte lipid metabolism and body weight regulation in energy-restricted aP2-agouti transgenic mice. Shi H et al. [2001. FASEB J 5:291-293.] 5. Calcium intake, body composition, and lipoprotein-lipid concentrations in adults. Jacqmain M et al. [2003. Am J Clin Nutr 77:1448-1452.] 6. Higher dairy intake is associated with lower body fat during adolescence. Novotny R et al. [2003. Poster Presentation, Experimental Biology Meeting, April, San Diego, CA.] 7. The role of dietary calcium and other nutrients in moderating body fat in preschool children. Carruth BR and Skinner JD. [2001. T Int J Obesity Relat Metab Disord 25:559-566.] 8. Calcium and Dairy Acceleration of Weight and Fat Loss during Energy Restriction in Obese Adults. Zemel MB et al. [Obes Res. 2004 Apr;12(4):582-90.] 9. Dairy (yogurt) augments fat loss and reduces central obesity during energy restriction in obese subjects. Zemel MB et al. [2003. FASEB J A1088:679.3] 10. Calcium and Weight: Clinical Studies. Heaney, R.P., Davies, K.M., Barger-Lux, M.J. [Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 21(2), 2002, pages 152S-155S.] 11. Cholecystokinin decreases food intake in rats. Gibbs J, Young RC, Smith GP.J Comp [Physiol Psychol 1973 Sep;84(3):488-95] 12. Cholecystokinin antibody injected in cerebral ventricles stimulates feeding in sheep. Della-Fera MA, Baile CA, Schneider BS, Grinker JA. [Science 1981 May 8;212(4495):687-9] 13. Peptides with CCK-like activity administration intracranially elicit satiety in sheep. Della-Fera MA, Baile CA. [Physiol Behav 1981 Jun;26(6):979-83]

Fast Weight Loss… Can You Really Lose 60lbs In 30 Days?

Is it better to lose 2lbs a day or 2lbs a week?Yes it’s very possible that you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but I don’t think you would want to and here’s the reason why:Let’s say you do lose 60lbs in 30 days… how much of that weight you lose do you think is going to be pure body fat? Remember-- body fat makes us look ugly. Anytime you try to lose more than 2lbs a week or 60lbs in 30 days (2lbs a day!)…A larger part of the weight you lose is only going to be water and muscle. Losing a lot of water and muscle weight does nothing to improve your looks and it slows down your metabolismSlow metabolism = easier weight gainEvery time you see a weight loss ad that’s too good to be true…the ad is basically saying “Hey you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but some of that weight you lose is going to be water and muscle weight”Whenever you are trying to lose weight (body fat) for good and look your very best you definitely do not want to lose any muscle. Every time you lose muscle your metabolism slows down. A slower metabolism makes it easier for you to gain weightAs a matter of fact you may be one of those people who gain weight just by looking at food. The reason for your easy weight gain is that you probably don’t have that much muscle to begin with and when you try to lose 60lbs overnight you are only going to lose more muscle making it very easy for to gain all the weight back you just lost!The more muscle you have the better you look. Even if you had two people of the same height & weight but both had different amounts of muscle in their bodies--the person who has the most muscle will always look better.Are the outrageous claims that the weight loss ads make true? Can you lose 60lbs in 30 days or 10lbs overnight? The answer isn’t No but a big Maybe. But if you do happen to lose 60lbs in 30 days you’re only going to look worse (because of the muscle you lose) and you’re going to gain it all back quicker than you lost it (because you’re metabolism is slower now that you lost muscle)What if you have to lose 10lbs in one week to pass a physical exam? In this case you may have no choice but to go on “Dr. whoever’s rice cake diet” to lose 10lbs in a week. All you’re looking for in that situation is a quick fix to your weight loss problem. But if you want to lose weight for good, look your best, & keep your metabolism burning at a steady rate… You got to lose weight at a much slower rate. You want to try to lose no more than 2lbs a week or 3lbs at the most when you want to lose weight permanently. Usually when you lose anything over 2lbs a week you are only losing water and muscle weight which again has no effect on long-term weight loss or significantly improving the way you look.Losing 2lbs a week is a lot simpler than trying to lose 10lbs a week. One of the things you can do to start losing 2lbs a week is to substitute higher calorie foods you eat with lower calorie foods. For example a simple trick that I have most of my clients do is to replace all the sodas and juices they drink with water. The drinking water trick is taken very lightly by a lot of people---but many of my clients tell me that they see a difference in their weight after drinking only water for a couple of weeks.The other thing you can do is to increase your daily physically activity. This doesn’t mean that you have to start signing up for marathons regularly. To gradually increase your physical activity you can--* Park in the back of parking lots so you have to walk more to your destination* You can take the stairs instead of the elevator—it doesn’t have to be all the flights…walk some flights and take the elevator the rest of the way.* Play golf or play with your kids everydayThe point is to just do something…It doesn’t have to a lot at first but after about a couple weeks start to take 20-30minitue walks in the park or ride a bicycle everyday. Long-term weight loss doesn’t happen in 60 days or overnight… it happens in the Long-term. Just remember that the next time you see a weight loss ad that promises you unbelievable results.

Speed Up Your Weight Loss With Herbs And Spices

I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually. We all know that herbs and spices are used with cooking to varying degrees, and of course the primary reason for doing so is to make food much more tasty and interesting. I suspect however that you might be surprised at the considerable health benefits that can also be gained by using them. In saying this I am referring to those everyday items that can be found in most larders, and not necessarily those exotic and probably not so well known varieties. I happened to discover the many benefits of herbs and spices and the fact that they can be most beneficial to a weight loss program, when I was doing extremely detailed research for my latest book. The results of that research were so extensive, that it could be the basis in itself for a complete publication, and much more detailed therefore, than I could possibly include in this short article. However I have been able to include a fair amount of information below about various herbs and spices which are known to particularly help to speed up weight loss, and that is also in addition to their excellent overall health benefits by the way. You should find that you will be able to purchase these herbs from any good Herbalist supplier. Garcinia: (Garcinia cambogia) is a herb which is sold primarily for enhancing weight loss and boosting the amount of lean muscle. This is also known as hila or brindell berry. One of the major benfits of Garcinia is that it acts as an appetite suppressant and stops the body from storing fat. Pysillium: (Plantago spp.) This cheeky little herb has quite a few health benefits. Physillium is known to help lower cholesterol, and another major benefit is that it also helps to prevent constipation. If you use it as part of your weight loss program, it can help you to eat less calories and yet still feel really full. This is because of the amount of fiber that it contains. I mentioned earlier that it does help in preventing constipation, but in order to achieve this you should make sure that you drink plenty of water. Siberian Gingsing: (Eleutherococcus senticosus) If you are going to start regular exercise as part of your health and weight loss routine, which is normally to be highly recommended, then this is a really useful herb. It can help your body adapt to the stress of unaccustomed changes, and it will help to make you feel less tired even when you are doing simple exercises like walking for example. So in turn therefore you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine. Little Known Secrets In Your Larder Cayenne: (also known as Capsicum, hot pepper, chilli pepper, tabasco pepper). The majority of us have cayenne in our larders, and it is very commonly used in many food dishes. Cayenne can be found in many forms such as ground spices, teas, and would you believe it, topical creams. It is well known for its antitoxidant action, and greatly helps with osteoathritis and rhumatoid athritis, shingles, and diabetic neuropathy. A note of caution however: Cayenne may act with anticoagulant drugs so be sure to consult with your doctor. Excessive use may also irritate the intestinal tract. Manufactured topical capsacin creams can cause a burning sensation, so test first on a small area of the skin, remembering to wash hands thoroughly after applying the cream. This will avoid it spreading to the eyes nose or other sensitive areas. Fennel: is native to the Mediterranean and is widely utilized throughout the world. You will find it in teas, capsules, tinctures and lozenges. Fennel can be used to help with bloating, flatulence, mild digestive spasms, catarrh, and coughs. It also has antimicrobal, antispadmodic, and anti inflammatory properties. A note of caution here: Fennel can sometimes cause rare allergic skin and respiratory tract reactions. Fennel is also a potential source of synthetic oestrogens and should be avoided if you are pregnant. Garlic: you can buy this fresh, or the one you will most probably have in your larder will be dried. The downside of garlic is the odour which it leaves on your breath, but chewing some parsley after eating will soon sort out that problem. Garlic is also known to help stimulate the immune system, and to help in fighting cancer. Well documented health benefits include lowering cholesterol,fighting infections, and reducing blood pressure. Again a note of caution: garlic may also interact with anticoaglant drugs, so do be sure to check with your doctor if in any doubt. Rare cases of allergic reactions are known, and some people might possibly experience heartburn or even flatulence. These are just a few of the herbs you can use in cooking, but do remember that there are many many more, and the benefits in using them frequently can be quite remarkable. You will realize of course that when using them as part of any dish to use them sparingly, as to add too much would just spoil the meal. As with everything in life one should try and strike a balance, after all you know what they say "all things in moderation".

Does calorie restriction lead to weight loss?

Yes and no. Moderate calorie restriction helps in controlling and getting rid of fat to a certain extent. In fact the so called low carbohydrate diets are low calorie diets. Research proves that the weight loss in these weight loss programs is on account of calorie restriction and not due to the virtues of a low carbohydrate-high protein diet.But the real fact about these diets is.. calorie restriction is bad for health.Firstly, these diet plans induce ketosis which according to many experts is bad for health.Secondly, calorie restriction deprives the vital organs like lever, thyroid and adrenals etc. of required nutrition. What this means in effect is, the very organs which are supposed to burn fat and keep you lean and healthy are making you sick because of wrong diet!The reason? Well, very simple...Say for example, you eat 1200 calories of fruit daily,-which is very good for the fat burning and filtering organs in your body. Now,if you suddenly you reduce it by 500 calories...what is the result? deprivation. Now let's take another are regularly eating 1500 calories of fast food(processed foods) and you bring it down by 500..result? great!These junk foods were causing damage to your organs and a shift in your diet pattern wiill increase the efficiency of your body's fat burning organs.So, you will see that it's not calorie restriction alone that was responsible for weight loss in the above example, the restriction of unwanted processed foods in your diet has a more profound effect on your health and weight loss goals.

Does calorie restriction lead to weight loss?

Yes and no. Moderate calorie restriction helps in controlling and getting rid of fat to a certain extent. In fact the so called low carbohydrate diets are low calorie diets. Research proves that the weight loss in these weight loss programs is on account of calorie restriction and not due to the virtues of a low carbohydrate-high protein diet.But the real fact about these diets is.. calorie restriction is bad for health.Firstly, these diet plans induce ketosis which according to many experts is bad for health.Secondly, calorie restriction deprives the vital organs like lever, thyroid and adrenals etc. of required nutrition. What this means in effect is, the very organs which are supposed to burn fat and keep you lean and healthy are making you sick because of wrong diet!The reason? Well, very simple...Say for example, you eat 1200 calories of fruit daily,-which is very good for the fat burning and filtering organs in your body. Now,if you suddenly you reduce it by 500 calories...what is the result? deprivation. Now let's take another are regularly eating 1500 calories of fast food(processed foods) and you bring it down by 500..result? great!These junk foods were causing damage to your organs and a shift in your diet pattern wiill increase the efficiency of your body's fat burning organs.So, you will see that it's not calorie restriction alone that was responsible for weight loss in the above example, the restriction of unwanted processed foods in your diet has a more profound effect on your health and weight loss goals.

Are Your Kids Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

If you are a mom at home on a diet, you will probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with children are able to keep to a healthy eating plan through most circumstances except two. It all starts to go astray when the kids come home from school, or when they are preparing school lunches.It's no surprise really. Kids love snacks we buy from the supermarket, and parents love them because they are quick and easy to throw into the lunchbox or for kids to grab from the shelves in the pantry. Small bags of chips, tasty bite size crackers, sodas and the like. No problem. Except when it comes to mom's weight loss program. Mom loves them too! These products are high in fat, high in energy and high in refined sugars. And after one, two or three nibbles it is possible to wrack up an unwanted 500 calories. This single act will probably stall your weight loss or even worse!To stop your kids from sabotaging your weight loss efforts, here are 20 snack ideas for kids that will do far less damage to your weight loss program if mom nibbles (just a little).1. Chop up ½ tinned pear or other fruit in natural juice and set in 200mls of low calorie jelly. Make up into individual disposable plastic containers with lids.2. Cut up crisp vegetable sticks with dipping sauce - ranch, peanut (satay), sweet chili or tomato.3. Cut celery sticks 6-8 cm, fill with cottage cheese and top with sultanas or chopped nuts.4. Combine a mixture of low fat hard cheese cubes, nuts and dried fruits in plastic wrap or a lunch bag.5. Roll up thin slices of carrot and celery with grated cheese in a slice of cold meat. Secure with toothpick. Slice the carrot and celery with a vegetable peeler for really thin slices.6. Cut oranges into quarters and freeze on trays. Put into plastic bags for a fruity ice block.7. Meatball surprise. Next time you are making meatloaf, double the quantity and make a batch of meatballs. These are great in lunchboxes cold. Add a slice of pineapple with a toothpick to each meatball. Add dipping tomato sauce if required.8. Mini quiches….make a batch of crust-less quiche and cook in muffin tray. Each 'muffin' will be a wonderful healthy snack for kids.9. Chilled fruit surprise - slice a combination of strawberries, bananas, kiwi fruit, watermelon, grapes or in season fruit. Place in small resealable plastic container. Top with apple juice; do not overfill. Seal, freeze. When packed in lunchbox, will keep sandwiches cool and prove a refreshing treat on a hot day. 10. Rice cakes spread with mashed avocado, mashed banana and cinnamon, or try mashed avocado, sliced tomato and sprouts.11. Chopped hard-boiled egg served with low fat mayo, salt, pepper on a crisp bread.12. Leaf wrappers: wrap a cheese finger, celery stick and carrot stick in a lettuce leaf. Wrap in foil and place in lunchbox. Contents will be kept moist.13. Yoghurt tub.14. Baby Bell Cheese and low fat cracker.15. Creamy dates: slice dates lengthways, remove stone. Fill with Philadelphia cream cheese (low fat).16. Quick sausage rolls: wrap a skinned (good quality) sausage in several sheets of filo pastry. Brush pastry with beat egg to glaze. Cut into desired lengths. Bake in moderately hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Rolls can be frozen.17. Same as above but use fresh chicken breast strips and cut to 2" - use tomato or favorite dipping sauce 18. After school hot snack attack: Spread a round of pita bread with tomato paste and herbs. Top with tomato, ham, mortadella, add onion, sliced mushrooms or pineapple. Sprinkle grated low fat hard cheese over pita bread. Grill to make a tasty pizza. If no pita bread is available, substitute a crisp bread.19. Fruity kebabs: place bite size pieces of fruit in season on kebab skewers.20. Pop top sandwich tuna tin, crisp bread, sachet of mayonnaise. Kids can put their snack together at school so that it doesn't go soggy. Remember fresh is best both for yourself and your children. By substituting these ideas for some of the prepackaged snack food and cookies your kids eat you will be doing both them and yourself a favor.